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Usb Dummy Protect

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by dinorome1982 2020. 2. 27. 01:41


If you are unable to edit or save files on your USB drive, it is likely that your device is locked in read-only mode. This article will introduce you to a few ways that you can unlock write protection on your USB key so that you may edit your documents as needed.If you are experiencing an issue when attempting to copy or delete files on a USB flash drive, there is a very simple solution that will allow you to remove this setting, giving you the capability to modify, copy, or delete any files from your USB drive.How To Remove Write Protection on a USBTo remove the write protection, simply open your Start menu, and click on Run. Type in regedit and press Enter. This will open the registry editor.The next step is to navigate to the following path:HKEYLOCALMACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlStorageDevicePoliciesDouble-click the WriteProtect key located in the right side pane and set the value to 0.

Go to the Data Value box and press OK:To finish, simply restart your system, and then reconnect your USB pen drive to the computer.How To Unlock a USB DriveMany USB keys come with a switch that slides up and down to enable or disable the write protection lock. As a first step, we recommend that you verify whether your USB has this switch (normally labelled with a hold or locked option). If so, simply unlock the switch and attempt to write.Another simple solution for disabling write protection is to simply ascertain whether or not your currently file is being viewed in Read Only format. If it is read protected, simple right click on the folder and uncheck the 'Read Only' button.There are many online recovery tools which are related to a specific brand of USB stick. For example, utilise the JetFlash Online Recovery tool to repair Transcend USB keys which gives the user the flexibility to either maintain stored information or the format key.Online Tools to Disable Write ProtectionA number of brand-specific online tools are available to help you disable write protection on your USB key.

Is a common tool used to repair Transcend USB keys because it gives users the flexibility to either maintain stored information or format their key.How To Format a USB KeyIf none of the above options work, you can always try formatting your USB key. More information on formatting your flash drive can be found.Image: © IB Photography - Shutterstock.com.

So I was searching for a 32 GB USB flash drive, and I really like the series (I have 3 of them). I found one on eBay for a great price.

What I didn’t realize was that the Internet is infested with unscrupulous sellers trying to unload fake flash drives onto unsuspecting buyers. I happened to be one of those buyers this go-round.I had the fake flash drive in my possession; what now? Lesson one, the most important thing: Immediately leave negative feedback for the seller and report the item on eBay as counterfeit. Check out this awesomely informative article at SOSFakeFlash entitledNow, I normally give the seller the benefit of the doubt and try to work things out, but in cases of fraud it just makes sense to leave feedback first. Of course, the seller will complain, beg, maybe even bribe. But they deserve the negative, even if they unwittingly sold a counterfeit. And it appears that your odds of receiving a refund are improved by leaving negative feedback.SOSFakeFlash has no evidence that holding back a negative improves the chances of a refund.

The opposite has been seen.Second, if at all possible, use a credit to make the purchase. See this article on SOSFakeFlash:. Fortunately I did, but I wasn’t forced to do a chargeback, as the seller immediately refunded my money after I posted the negative feedback. (Probably should’ve though just to stick it to him more.) What’s a fake USB flash drive and why should anyone care?A fake Gucci® handbag might be fine if you’re Asian and don’t care that everyone else knows you have a fake. A handbag doesn’t have a lot of specs other than to look like a replica and let you put shit into it.A fake flash drive is a lot more involved.

To use a car metaphor: Imagine you were sold a vehicle that supposedly had a 32 gallon gas tank. The salesperson claimed it, the owner’s manual says it, the fuel gauge even indicates that it holds 32 gallons. But when you go to fill it up, it only holds 4 gallons.

Try to put more than that in, and gas obviously just spills out.Ok, that was a shitty metaphor, but hopefully you get the picture. I was sold a 32 GB drive that was actually 4 GB that claimed to be 32 GB. How to tell if a drive is fake/counterfeitBefore you buy, check the price with someplace reputable like.

If the price of the one you’re buying is too low, it’s probably fake. Check out the video in this article at FlashChipTech:After the fact, you have some options.

Check with the manufacturer. For Kingston flash drives, I found an informative page at FakeMemorySentinel with a very long title: Spoiler alert: Kingstons have serial numbers and other info engraved onto the outer part of the USB plug. There’s a nice diagram in the article.

Usb Dummy Protect Screen

Or you can look at my photos below.In general, though, you can tell a flash drive is fake by running H2testw (Windows only). Here’s what to do:. Download h2testw from website is defunct;. Plug in your flash drive. You don’t have to delete existing files; the program will work around them.


Usb Dummy Protector

Run h2testw. (General safety rule: make sure you have an antivirus installed and active, as should be the case at all times!). Click English, then Select target button, then select your flash drive. Click Write + Verify to run the test. The program will then test your flash drive and output something like the following:The media is likely to be defective.3.9 GByte OK (8215305 sectors)28 GByte DATA LOST (58721527 sectors)(and several more lines)This particular result was from testing my supposedly 32 GB flash drive.

The test says 3.9 GB data ok and 28 GB data lost, which means that I actually have a 4 GB drive and 28 GB of nonexistent space.If your numbers match up, then congratulations, you’re good!The life of fake flash drivesShort story long, for the technically minded and those who like the show How It’s Made. I believe this is mostly accurate:. Flash drives are made up of (among other things) the memory itself and the controller that allows your computer to talk to the memory. Faulty memory chips get destroyed on a regular basis.

Not wanting those defective chips to go to waste, a fake flash manufacturer redeems them from memory chip hell and gives them a new reason to go on living. They do so by reprogramming the controller to lie to the computer about its size. In my case, I had a 4 GB memory chip being reported as 32 GB. The computer doesn’t know any better than what the controller tells it, so it writes willy-nilly to the memory, even going beyond the 4 GB capacity.” What?” you say, “ Doubly faulty?” Why, yes! The memory isn’t only defective, but now it’s only partly there!.

They sell these fake flash drives at a discounted price from the real ones and hope that no one notices. Or, by the time anyone notices, they’ve made their money and you’re the sucker with a defective drive. (Fortunately I immediately got a refund. Many others have not been so lucky.)Why does any of this matter?In the grand scheme of things, preventable inconveniences are the most frustrating. Getting ripped off sucks, but what also sucks is that people are buying an inherently defective product. I’d hate to see anyone lose their data by using a counterfeit flash drive that some fucking douchebag made money on at your expense.Maybe I’m chivalrous. Maybe I believe that, by looking out for others when I can, I’m improving the quality of my own life.

Details of my personal fake flash experienceI bought my USB flash drive from eBay seller dailydeals99. I checked out this guy’s feedback, 100%. I saw that he had 2 of the ones I wanted, plus several other various flash drives listed as well. When I received my item, I immediately noticed how suspicious looking it was. Of course, this comparison is a lot more difficult if you don’t have another one to compare it to. After everything went down, I gave him negative feedback and he refunded my money. At worst, I felt a little guilty because the seller said he was honest (after all, he did immediately refund my money).

Turns out, upon scrutinizing his feedback, he has had a lot of defective (fake?) USB flash drives. One buyer even reported that he got a fake but still gave him positive feedback because he got his money back!I ended up buying a. I don’t like the separate cap, but I do like the rubber coating and the fact that Patriot is a kick-ass memory company.The Patriot Xporter was supposed to replace an 8 GB flash drive I bought from FocalPrice.com (in Hong Kong) to exchange media with my friend via Snail Mail (because she doesn’t have Internet). I tested out the 8-gigger with H2testw, and it said that half a gig was defective!

So it seems that FocalPrice is also selling defective flash drives. Which is a total bummer, because their is fucking awesome! (Wonder where can I find a legit one of those?) Links.

— How I learned about fake flash drives, negative feedback and how to deal with scammers on eBay. Tons of information, but a bit disorganized and their search sucks.

That’s why this page has all the links on SOSFakeFlash that have helped me. After deciding to write this post, I spent an hour trying to find them all again.

I’m hoping to spare y’all that same problem. More info on Kingston fakes:.

Download h2testw from.Bonus: Email history with eBay seller dailydeals99(After I tested the USB flash drive with H2testw)Dear dailydeals99,You sold me a fake flash drive. This is completely unacceptable. I have tested with H2testw v1.4, and have visually compared the item you sent to the DataTraveler 100 I already have. Hi I was caught in the middle of one of these scams many years ago. My brother told me to go in with him and buy a few lots of 32GB SD Cards from DHGate and sell them on eBay because they were the next big seller. So we sold them for about $50 bucks to remain competitive with the other sellers and they went like mad cakes. I couldn’t believe it and here we are thinking these cards were legit.

We didn’t know what the fakes looked like and it was all going very well until the complaints started flooding in. I welcomed the negative feedback and even though people didn’t believe me that I had no clue I did work with one of the people as they showed me this software to test the cards. I tested every single one of them and found they were all corrupt. So I kept the results and sent it to DHGate in a complaint form at the same time i refunded everyone and I even contacted the ones who didn’t ask for a refund and gave them their refunds. DHGate gave us back our money and now I still have all these cards just sitting here but the 2 – 8GB is still useful for my own use. I tried selling other items after that from American wholesale companies but nothing ever panned out so I quit ebay. My first time as a seller and it was like a dream making all that money only to find out that we and our customers were being scammed and gave back all that we made.

Sad, so there are ignorant naive sellers such ourselves who get scammed and in our cased unintentional scammed the customers. I vowed to never purchase anything electronic or these cards from China again. I was actually very surprised to see how good hearted they were when they retracted the feedback and a few still gave positive feedback. I stumbled on an eBay listing that’s really a warning about fake USB flash drives that are commonly sold, and it refers to this site.

I don’t keep up with computer/internet innovations, so when I saw amazingly cheap large flash drives on eBay, I just thought that they can make or obtain them cheaply in China, just like everything else. EBay feedback on them is as high as normal, but I figured dumb buyers were leaving feedback before even trying or testing the drives. So I asked a friend who’s well-versed in PC tech who told me that if I was saving something important (I want to make recovery drives), I should use a Kingston Data Traveler. So I bought 2 16GB Kingston DT drives from China (because I’m in Puerto Rico where a lot of USA sellers don’t ship).


I stumbled on the warning listing afterwards. Now, I’m scared that I might have bought counterfeits. Since the size isn’t that big, I’m not so worried about the capacity being fake (and that should be easily testable). However, apparently bad drives might not expose themselves initially, but have problems later, and I can’t take a chance with recovery drives. Is there a tester that can positively confirm: 1) that the brand is legitimate, and/or 2) that the drive is good (will act like it should when I try to recover Windows 3 years from now)?.